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How to Clean Your House Fast in 15 Minutes a Day

Say goodbye to weekends lost to housecleaning! Here’s how to clean your house fast in just 15 minutes a day!

How to Clean House Fast - 15 Minute House Cleaning Tips -

How to Clean Your House Fast

Getting your house clean and organized can be a huge challenge! When there are big tasks that need to be completed, like reorganizing closets and decluttering the playroom, they can often fall by the wayside in favor of the more pressing daily tasks like laundry and dishes.

With these tips, you’ll learn how to clean your house fast in 15 minutes a day. Before long, you’ll have all those trouble spots managed and the spotless home of your dreams!

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Divide Your Home into Zones to Have a Clean House Fast

Zone cleaning is one of the best ways to tackle all of the clutter and mess in your home fast.

Each day, you spend a set amount of time working on cleaning up in one area to make progress toward a more clean and organized home. I suggest 15 minutes as it’s the perfect amount of time to get the most done.

Everyone’s zones will differ, but common zones include kitchen, living area, bathrooms, and bedrooms.

How to Clean House in 15 Minutes -

Finish Daily Chores First

Before you start on your 15 minutes of zone cleaning, be sure that all of the daily chores, such as tidying up, washing dishes, and doing laundry, are finished for the day.

Otherwise, you might be tempted to call it quits. That’s when things start backing up, and all your progress will be negated.

Kitchen Cleaning in 15 Minutes

Choose a cabinet or drawer, remove everything, and wipe it out. As you put things back, use the opportunity to clean out unneeded or broken items and trash.

In 15 minutes, you can most likely get through a drawer or two or a cabinet.

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Clean up a shelf or drawer in the fridge or pantry in the same way. Be sure to complete the job, taking out any trash with spoiled food or washing dishes left behind from the old leftovers you found in the back of the fridge.

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Living Area Clean Up

Start from the top down when cleaning in the living room. Clean, organize, and dust high shelves first, letting any dust settle to the lower, uncleaned shelves.

For a 15 minute job, choose one set of shelves to clean and see it through to the end, rather than jumping from area to area in the room.

If you have a table that is a catch-all for mail, papers, and other random clutter, spend 15 minutes dealing with all of the items.

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Don’t just move them around, but instead, use a “touch it once” approach, making sure each item you pick up finds its proper home, be that in the “to-pay” stack of bills, put away in another room, or tossed into the trash.

How To Clean Your House Fast - 15 Minutes a Day Leads to a Tidy House! -

Cleaning under and behind furniture can be time-consuming, but moving and cleaning under a single piece of furniture as your 15-minute task is less overwhelming.

Again, see the task through to the end – move the couch, put away the clutter you found underneath and in the cushions, then vacuum up any mess before putting it back into place.

Fast Bathroom Cleaning and Organizing

The bathroom is a zone that usually can be managed in just a few sessions.

In one session, clean out the medicine cabinet and properly dispose of any expired items.

In another, tackle the under-sink cabinet in the same way.

Check towels and linens, if your linen closet is in this area, getting rid of threadbare items or cutting them up for rags to use in cleaning.

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Be sure to make a list of items that you need to replace or replenish while you’re cleaning.

Pre-Sale of Weekend Room Declutter Challenge

Fast Bedroom Clean Up

In most homes, bedrooms are the places that require the most attention, so you might spend quite a few 15-minute sessions to get the job done right.

Start with the tasks that are the most visible and cause you the most stress.

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Clean out a dresser drawer or section of the closet in a single sitting, but be sure not to pull out more than you can get through in your 15 minutes of allotted time. The same goes for nightstands or vanity tops.

15 Minutes to a Cleaner House  -

In kids’ rooms, you may have baskets and bins of toys, books, and games to go through. Start the job with a donate box and a trash bag to make it simple to play a game of “Keep, Toss, or Donate” as you sort through their clutter.

BONUS: 15 Minute Cleanup for Unexpected Guests

Have guests stopping by and a mess that you don’t want them to see? Here’s a quick 15-minute clean up that will make things look a lot neater and organized, even though you don’t have time to clean the house thoroughly.

·     Grab a laundry basket and toss in any toys and other clutter that is polluting the areas your guests will see.

·     Toss dirty dishes into the dishwasher or put into the sink and cover with a towel.

·     Wipe down tables and counters.

·     Run the vacuum over the carpets and Swiffer hardwood or linoleum floors.

·     Wipe down the toilet and bathroom counters.

·     Close the doors to bedrooms and other rooms that might be unsightly.

·     Turn on a diffuser or other air freshener to make things smell clean and fresh.

Have a great time getting your house clean and enjoy your newfound organized freedom!

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