Organizing a Book Club

Organizing a Book Club

Share your love of books with others by organizing a book club!

Organizing a Book Club

Have you ever thought about starting a book club?  If you love to read and want to share that love with like-minded people, a book club may just be the way. 

In order to get the most out of a book club, there are some things to consider.  Let’s take a look at a few helpful hints for organizing the best book club for you.

Book Club Organization

Determine Why You Want To Start A Book Club

First and foremost, you’ll want to determine why, exactly, you want to start a book club.  Do you want to learn something new? Socialize with friends? Or maybe, meet new people? 

The answers to these questions will help you set the tone for the entire club.  You can then decide on things like who to invite, what the themes will be, and even create a name for your book club.

Organizing a Book Club

Choose Members For Your Book Club

Next, you’ll need to figure out who exactly you would like to invite into your book club.  Choosing the right people will determine other aspects of your club. 

Things like where to meet, when to meet, and what books to read will all depend on the members of your group. 

Remember, the more people there are in the club, the more factors there will be to consider, so choose wisely.  

Decide Where To Hold Book Club Meetings

Depending on why you decide to form a book club, where you meet should correlate with that reason.  For example, if you’re looking to share ideas across a broad group of people, perhaps opt for a social media platform such as Facebook, Meet Up, or Goodreads. 

If you’d prefer to meet in person, consider doing so in a public place like a coffee shop, winery, or local park. 

Organizing a Book Club

Another idea would be to hold meetings at your house, or even the homes of other members, if you are looking to keep your club more personal and private. 

And if you’re really not sure, try to just decide on a place (online or in-person) for the initial meeting, and then ask members of the group for ideas about where and how to hold future meetings.  

Schedule Book Club Meetings

Deciding on when book club meetings should take place can be quite precarious, especially when there’s a large number of people in the group.  The best way to hold meetings is to schedule them ahead of time and stick to the plan. 

One day a month (or even every other month) is a good idea as it can give members time to read the selected book. 

It also gives those with a busy schedule a better chance of making sure they can attend the meetings, as they can mark it on their calendar in advance.

Organizing a Book Club

Select Book Club Books

Now that you’ve chosen members, decided on a meeting place, and selected a date and time for your book club, you can begin to think about what book or books you’d like to get started with. 

A few things to keep in mind for choosing a book club book is the topic, length, reading level, price, and format.  It’s also a good idea to consider book options from members and include them in the decision process, too!  

Hold The First Book Club Meeting

Are you ready for the first meeting?  Have a plan about how to discuss the selected book.  Some books have book club questions in the back, or you can create your own. 

If your meetings are held in person, incorporate additional activities like book-related games, food, drinks, and party favors for everyone to enjoy.  

Organizing a Book Club

Beginning a Book Club

Whether you are looking to share your love of books with new people or you simply need a reason to get together with close friends, a book club can do just that.  So, why wait?  Get started organizing a book club today!

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