Spring Yard Clean-up 101

Spring Yard Clean-Up 101

Here are five simple steps to spring yard clean-up!

Spring Yard Clean-up 101

Spring is upon us, and that means it’s time to get your yard ready for the new growing season.  As winter says goodbye, head outside and give your yard a little love by tidying up, trimming back, and planting new yard additions. 

Let’s get outside, and get start cleaning!

Yard Clean-up in the Spring

Remove Accumulated Refuse

As winter comes to an end, we will find that some things, both natural and unnatural, have accumulated in our yard.  The first step to spring yard cleanup is to remove all of this debris and make a clean slate.  Gather and dispose of refuse such as litter, pet waste, and any dead grass or leaves.

Prepare Flower Beds and Edible Garden Areas

Next, we will clean up and prepare the flower beds and edible garden areas.  With all of the dead growth and weed plants out of the way, we can work in some additional compost.  This will help to ensure that the soil is fertile and in good shape to produce healthy plants and vegetables.

If you’re going to break ground for a new plant bed, consider using a tiller, and then laying down landscape fabric first, and then adding a fresh layer of mulch.  For a new edible garden, raised beds with a mix of straw and compost work really well for growing fresh vegetables and herbs.

Spring Yard Clean-up 101

Prune Existing Shrubs and Divide Perennials

Once your yard seems to be in order and ready for the spring growing season, take a look at your existing shrubs and give them a trim.  Prune off any dead or damaged limbs and branches in order to promote new growth and buds.  

Now, check out your perennial plants.  Did you know that many perennial plants can be divided in the spring? This helps to improve a plant’s health, appearance, and overall life.  Common perennials that can be divided and replanted are hostas, black-eyed Susans, and ornamental grasses.

Plant Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers

Planting trees, shrubs, and other hardy perennials is great to do in the early spring.  For annual flowers and tender perennials, it’s best to wait until after the last frost has happened.  The last frost is different depending on the zone or region you’re in, so make sure to double-check when this is for your area.   

Spring Yard Clean-up 101

Control Pests and Weeds

Pests and weeds can do a lot of damage to gardens of all kinds.  Rather than waiting until you see these potential problems, there are a few things to do before it gets out of hand.  Landscape fabric and mulch work well to deter weeds, while diatomaceous earth and other natural pest deterrents are great for edibles.  You can also consider companion planting to keep small insects at bay and to also attract beneficial bugs.

There is also a variety of methods to control bigger pests such as rabbits, moles, deer.  Physical barriers like fencing, growing deer-resistant plants, and even using solar ultrasonic repellents are an option.

Springtime Yard Clean-up

Removing debris, preparing garden beds, planting, and pruning are some of the most beneficial things you can do to get your yard in shape this spring.  So, why wait?  Get out there, and clean up your yard!

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