Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids – Chores by Age
Are the chores you’re expecting your child to do too advanced? Get the scoop on age-appropriate chores by learning which chores are right for each age group.

What Chores Can My Child Do? Age-Appropriate Chores
Getting kids to help out around the house is a habit that you should start as early as possible. Even the youngest kids can help in small ways, making it second nature that they are active contributors to the household.

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So what are some age-appropriate chores for kids? Check out our list below and get your crew helping out around the house!
Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 2-3

While the tiniest hands will need a little help, that doesn’t mean that toddlers can’t do chores! Start small, work together, and provide lots of positive reinforcement!
- Picking up toys
- Wiping up messes
- Taking dishes to the sink
- Putting laundry in the hamper
Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 4-5

As toddlers turn to preschoolers, they love showing off a bit more independence. At this age, they’re beginning to understand the concepts and reasons for cleaning. They typically have the physical dexterity to do slightly more complex chores, though they still may need a guiding hand.
- Making their bed
- Helping sort laundry
- Setting and clearing the table
- Dusting surfaces
- Emptying trash cans
- Wiping baseboards

Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 6-7

Though their size and strength can be an issue sometimes, this age group can help with many household chores. As they master these tasks at an early age, they’ll be able to do them properly and efficiently as they keep growing
- Carrying in groceries from the car
- Folding clothes (with help) and taking to proper rooms
- Loading and unloading dishwasher (with help)
- Wipe counters
- Weeding the garden or flower beds
- Sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming floors
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Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 8-11

By the middle of elementary school, most kids are ready to do the majority of chores around the house, especially if they have been contributing help for a few years. You’ll have to supervise less and can step back and let them take over.
- Clean bathrooms
- Rotate laundry
- Fold and put away clothing
- Raking leaves and grass clippings
- Taking out trash
- Learn to cook simple dishes (with help)
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Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 12-13

Tweens should be at a point that they can tackle most any basic chore around the house and begin to take on more complex duties. At this stage, chores are more about teaching them the skills they will need as adults, with the added bonus of taking some stress and strain off parents.
- Wash and clean out cars
- Clean out closets
- Pack lunches
- Laundry, from start to finish
- Learn to use the weed trimmer
- Put away groceries
Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 14-15

Most young teens are ready for a bit more responsibility, but safety measures should be reviewed regularly. You’ll want to make sure they understand how to handle an emergency, show them how to safely use appliances or equipment like lawnmowers, and be very specific in your instruction about what they are supposed to do.
- Babysitting siblings
- Clean up the garage
- Mowing the lawn
- Sort old toys and clothes for donation
- Take turns cooking meals
- Help with gardening tasks
Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 16+

Older teens who have been doing age-appropriate chores their entire lives are just about ready to handle the day-to-day operations of a home.
- Trim hedges and bushes
- Help manage siblings’ schedules (walk to school, drive to practices when they have enough driving experience)
- Help with basic car maintenance (checking oil, tire pressure, etc)
- Make a list and do grocery shopping
- Any other task you need help with around the house!
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No More Fighting Over Chores
Chores are no longer a struggle when you give kids tasks that are age-appropriate and reasonable. Getting kids to do chores without a fuss is possible!